Expense Permissions

Expense Permissions

Within Expenses, you can select a number of permissions that will give users the ability to do a number of actions within the Expenses area only. If you give users a number of other Permissions from either the Bill or Purchase Order areas, their capabilities will expand.
Full details on User Permissions outside of Expenses can be found here.
This article will walk through each of these individually in more detail, but the Permissions within Expenses are as follows:
  1. Expense Admin
  2. Submitter
  3. Export, Schedule and Reimburse (ESR)
  4. View All

Expense Admin

An Expense Admin is the user who can do all the actions a Submit and Export, Schedule and Reimburse user can do, with a couple added extras. This section will only cover the added extras, as details of the other roles are covered in the relevant sections.

Send Approval Tasks

We encourage you to set up Approval Task automation against your Expense Suppliers where you can. This means when a Submitter sends their Reports for approval, they will automatically go to the relevant users to be approved. In the scenario where you Approval Task automation is not applicable, or you need to send an ad-hoc task, you as the Expense Admin are responsible for setting this up and sending these out.
For more information on how to set up Approval Task automation, click here!

Company Settings

As an Expense Admin you can access the Company Settings area and adjust the Expense specific settings. Only you and the Company Admin will be able to do this.
For more information on Expense Settings. click here!


Create Expenses and Reports

A Submitter is responsible for creating Expenses or Reports for themselves, or behalf of others. The creation can be done via uploading a document or manually creating an Expense and adding the supporting document in Panel 3 at a later date. The Expense can then be added to a new or already existing Report.
Full details on the Create Expense and Report functionality can be found here.

Submit Reports for Approval

Once all Expenses are within the relevant Report, the Submitter is the user who will submit it for approval. Once in this flow, it is the responsibility of the Approver and Export, Schedule and Reimburse user to manage it through the rest of the workflow. From within My Profile, you can enable Notifications that will update you along the way as your Report goes through this flow.

Export, Schedule and Reimburse

Export Reports

Depending on your Company Setting related to exporting, your account will allow you to export while a Report is in the specified status - this will either be Approved, Scheduled or Reimbursed. While in this status, you are able to export it into your Accountancy Software. Depending on whether your Accountancy Software connection is via an API (for example Xero, MYOB AR, Netsuite, etc.) or into a CSV software (for example Other, Sage 50/200/300, WCBS), your Report export will behave differently.

API softwares will send the Report with a single click.
CSV softwares, as the name suggests, will generate a CSV containing your Report details and will need to be imported into your software.
Full details on the export/import routines can be found here. You will need to select your accountancy software from the list and click the Exporting article relevant to you.

Mark Reports as Scheduled

Once the Reports have been Approved, you can mark them as Scheduled, which will prompt you to enter a Scheduled Date. This will send a notification to the Submitter of the Report to make them aware the Report is progressing.
More information on Scheduling can be found here.

Mark Reports as Reimbursed

Once in Scheduled, the next step is to mark as Reimbursed. Similar to Scheduling, you will be asked for a Reimbursement Date, which will then send a notification to the Submitter of the Report to make them aware the Report is progressing.
More information on Reimbursing can be found here.

Close Reports

When the Report has gone through all the statuses, it can be Closed off. This can be a manual or automatic step, depending on your Company Settings.
More information on Closing can be found here.

Accountancy Software Settings

As an Exporter, you may need to adjust some of the settings related to your accountancy software to change what fields are exported or enable additional features. You can do this within Accountancy Software Settings and, depending on the accountancy software your account is connected to, you will see a number of options.
To see what options are available to you, click here, select your accountancy software from the list and click the Connecting article relevant to you.
Warning: Changing the Accountancy Software Settings will change it across both Expenses and Bills.

View All

If you are an Expense Admin or ESR user, this option will be enabled by default and you will not be able to disable this as you are responsible for overseeing all Expenses and Reports within your account.

As a Submitter, there is the option to have this enabled. By default, it will be switched off, which means you will only be able to see your own Expenses and Reports i.e. the ones you create.

If View All is enabled for a Submitter, they will be able to see all Expenses and Reports within an account, not just their own.


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