Here you can do a number of things including:
- Leave notes and view activity history under "Activity > Notes / Activity"
- Send it back to Approval if for any reason you aren't ready to push it forward and need to send it backwards in the process
- Trash the PO
- Click on Order Now which will transition the PO to the next tab - "Ordered"
- Attach any supporting documents via the Paperclip function
- Select the side arrow and expand/collapse to present/hide your PO image as required
- Copy the PO and enter the information into a new PO
At this point, the details are locked down ready for ordering so no changes are allowed at this stage. If you need to edit/update for any reason, you will need to send the PO back to Approval in order to make any edits and approved again.
Email supplier when ordered
If you have the "Email supplier when ordered" checkbox ticked, you will see the following pop up to keep the ordering process.
Here you can customize the email sent to the supplier, mark as urgent or opt in for a notification.
Click send to complete the ordering process and the PO will transition to the Ordered tab.
If you did not click on Email supplier when ordered, you can send this item back to Approvals to tick the checkbox if required.
Image of Purchase Order
When you have Panel 3 expanded, you will then have the standard Panel 3 options such as:
- View full screen
- Download the document
- Pint the document
- Zoom in/our
- Rotate right/left
Don't forget you can customize the columns you are seeing in Panel 1 and the headers of the line item details in Panel 2 via the

Once your approvers have approved their POs, you can move on to the next article to walk you through the
Ordered Tab.