October 2023

October 2023

26th October

Accountancy Software: Sage Intacct - Partly Exempt

If you use the Partly Exempt feature within Sage Intacct, you can now enable this within Lightyear!

Head on over to your Accountancy Software Settings and enable the Do you use Partial Exemption flag? option. 

When enabled, your Bills and Credit Notes will display an extra column within Panel 2, allowing you to select which lines are Partly Exempt or not. If you cannot see this column, click the three dots in the top right of the line items in Panel 2 and ensure Partly Exempt is selected. Exporting these documents to Sage Intacct will correctly flag the correct lines as set in Lightyear.

Please Note: If you use Grouped Data and Partly Exempt, the lines will be unticked for Partly Exempt. Please disable Grouped Data against the Suppliers you wish to use Partly Exempt for.

Accountancy Software: Netsuite - Customers and Job

Accounts connected to Netsuite can now make use of Customers or Jobs within Lightyear, similar to other existing Categories.

To enable these, go to Accountancy Software Settings and enable the Do you use Customers? or Do you use Jobs? option. 
Please Note: You cannot use these together. Please select one or the other.

When either are enabled, these can be imported across from Netsuite and assigned like any other Category - to bills/credit notes, as defaults on Suppliers, Keyword Rules, Product and Description Rules.

Once a document is exported to Netsuite, the Job or Customer will be sent across too!
If you are an existing customer connected to Netsuite and want to now enable Jobs/Customers, you will need to add the Role permissions for Projects and Customers. Check out our Connecting to Netsuite guide for instructions on how to do this.

Once the Permission is added in, if you're not seeing the Jobs/Customers, you may need to disconnect and reconnect to Netsuite.

24th October

Bug Fix: Purchase Orders: Auto Order and Company Settings

With Purchase Orders enabled, within Company Settings users are able to set a variety of settings to populate the Order Email that's sent to suppliers from Lightyear. 

While Auto Order was enabled, some of these settings were not being applied and sent with the Order Email.

The following have now been fixed:
  1. Email Subject and Body not populating if they have been changed in Company Settings
  2. Supplier Response Link not populating if enabled in Company Settings 

20th October

Smart Extraction via Email

You can now email documents into Lightyear and automatically trigger Smart Extract upon arrival to your account.

To do this, simply enter your Lightyear email address and add +billsummary or +receipt to the name. If you use +billsummary, the document will enter Lightyear as a Bill, if you use +receipt, the document will enter Lightyear as a receipt.

For example, if my Lightyear email address is lightitup@lightyear.cloud, I would enter lightitup+billsummary@lightyear.cloud.

11th October

3-2-1 Panel Toggle & Visual Enhancements

Lightyear has a new fresh look! These small changes make a huge impact on the look and feel of Lightyear. 

Alongside these changes, you will see a new button in the top right of your screen. This is our new Toggle option that allows you to change between a 3 Panel, 2 Panel and 1 Panel layout.

3 Panel

All 3 panels of Lightyear:

2 Panel

Panel 2 and 3:

Within this view, all icons that are normally visible on the bill within Panel 1 will be moved into Panel 2.

1 Panel

A list view of Panel 1:

In the list view, the CTAs (e.g. Approve, Move, Add to Inventory) that normally live within Panel 2 have been moved into the top right of the screen, allowing you to action individual documents as needed from this view.

While in a Panel 1 view, if you need to click into the document to view a Panel 2/3 view, you can click the toggle in the top right to quickly change your view of Lightyear.

10th October

🚀 Smart Extract ðŸš€

Lightyear is excited to announce the release of our new Smart Extract extraction method!

Smart Extract uses the best of breed AI technology, giving users the ability to extract their data quickly and accurately from bills/invoices/receipts without the need for a map.

Smart Extract works best when handling poorly scanned documents or photos, handwritten bills, one-off and unstructured documents â€” i.e. documents where a traditional map wouldn't work well.

To find out how to use Smart Extract, click here. Or click here to find out what extraction method is best for you.
Please Note: Smart Extract is currently in Beta, and as a Phase 1 will only extract Summary Data. Stay tuned for further updates and enhancements to Smart Extract!


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