As larger businesses having growing needs and invoices with a large number of line items, Lightyear experienced increased slowness when trying to load all lines at once, e.g. when an invoice has 1000+ lines.
We have introduced pagination within Panel 2 of the Processing tab, to split the line items into multiple pages when 100+ lines are extracted. This is similar to the feature released previously, which introduced Pagination into the Approvals Workflow.
Similar to how our Product List, GL Codes, Supplier Cards, etc, bulk uploads work, Lightyear Suppliers can now be created from a bulk CSV upload.
Note: Within Lightyear, if a user deletes a supplier, it still exists within our system, in case it needs to be reinstated by the Support Team. When users were uploading Suppliers that existed within our database, but weren't visible on the Lightyear account, the upload was failing. Going forward, the CSV upload will check whether the Supplier previously existed and was deleted. If the upload finds a match, the returned CSV file will give an explanation on why this Supplier failed to upload.
If a User leaves the business, meaning they no longer have access to their Lightyear account, or goes on temporary leave e.g. vacation, they can set up a Proxy Approver to redirect all approval tasks to another user during this time.
This can be set up by each individual user, across their Lightyear accounts, or by an Admin, if the user forgets to do so.
For full information on how this works, and the set up process, click
8th October 2021
Bug Fix: Accountancy Software: Fuelsoft - Cost Centres
Accounts connected to Fuelsoft using Cost Centres experienced issues when exporting - Cost Centres were not populating in the correct column within the CSV.
This has now been fixed, allowing users to use Cost Centres as required.
Bug Fix: Documents By-Passing Processing
With our recent change on email domains, some documents were being sent to Lightyear using a new email address and going straight to Approvals, applying a map. These accounts didn't previously authorise the email domains, and maps were being applied incorrectly.
Going forward, documents received from unauthorised domains will remain in Processing, waiting for a map to be manually applied
6th October 2021
Bank Details Checker Enhancements
ICYMI: Last month we released the ability to store bank details against a supplier, and check this against what is being extracted on the invoice - a recap of this can be found
These enhancements focus on new icons, flagging enhancements and additions to our mapping abilities.
For full details on the Bank Details Checker, please click
1st October 2021
We introduced a Miscellaneous Header field in last month's release so now we have built the ability to export the Miscellaneous Header field as a column in their export CSV, for those using Other in both Accounting Software and Inventory.
To add this to your export CSV head over to Accountancy > Export Mappings. On the right hand side of your screen, scroll down until you see Miscellaneous Header, select it and click the arrow to add it to the left of your screen.
Keep in mind, Miscellaneous corresponds to the miscellaneous reference field at the line item level vs Miscellaneous Header which corresponds to the header details in Panel 2.
To move this column around on the export CSV, use the arrows on the left hand side to move it up/down according to where it's needed.
Don't forget to click Save Changes once you have finished!
Bug Fix: Assign User to Child Account from User/Companies in Parent Account
Accounts within a Parent/Child structure can now assign Client Users to Child Accounts from within the Users/Companies structure. There were previously some instances where this wasn't working as expected which has now been resolved.
This fix allows users within the Parent to allocate users quickly and easily from Users/Companies.