26th January
View Misc Ref in Panel 1 in Approvals Workflow/Archive
While in the Approvals Workflow and Archive, users can now view the Misc Ref column by selecting this via the 3 dots in the top right.
Similar to the other columns, click the header Misc Ref to sort in ascending or descending order.
Purchase Orders: GRN Icon in Matching Modal
While in the PO Bill Match/Bill PO Match modal, users will be able to see the GRN icon next to the PO lines.
This will be located within the GRN Status column, showing the quantity of goods received, alongside the truck icon.
Bug Fix: Purchase Orders: Unable to Save PO After Splitting Lines
While using the Splitting Widget on a PO within the Ordered tab, users were having issues saving the PO. This was due to the line sequence numbers becoming displaced.
Now when splitting a PO line, the sequence numbers will re-order and save without error.
Bug Fix: Manually File Statement with No Credits
When an account has 0 credits and a user tries to manually file a Statement, the statement will remain in Processing as expected, but no error message displays with the reason.
This resolves the issue and displays an error message similar to the below:
Bug Fix: Invoices Disappearing in Approvals Workflow
Within a Single Approval Workflow, where an account is using Export Before Approval and bulk selects multiple invoices, clicking Bulk Approve sends the invoices through to Review. As a Single Approval Workflow doesn’t have access to the Review tab, these invoices appeared to disappear.
In this specific setup, when an invoice is approved in bulk, it will move through to Signed Off.
Bug Fix: Invoice Matched to Voided PO
This resolves an issue that allowed an Invoice line to be automatically matched to a PO, which had been previously Voided.
21st January
Bug Fix: Accountancy Software: WCBS, Sage 50 & Accounts IQ - Accessing Accountancy
Accounts connected to WCBS, Sage 50 and Accounts IQ were experiencing issues viewing their Accountancy Settings, and some cases their Supplier List within Lightyear.
During this time, the Approvals Workflow and Export process was not affected. This issue has now been resolved to allow users to view these areas without error.
Bug Fix: CSV Import
Users were not able to successfully complete a CSV import for Bulk Supplier Upload, Product List Upload, Tax Code/GL/Category Import.
CSV files can now be imported as usual without error.
20th January
Accountancy Software: Sage Business Cloud - Reference Field Choice
Within Sage Business Cloud, users can define what is populated in the Supplier Reference and Reference fields when data is exported from Lightyear.
Within Accountancy > Accountancy Software Settings there are 2 fields to choose between.
Sync Document Number to is required. This can be populated as either the Supplier Reference or Reference.
Sync PO Number to is optional, and can be populated as either the Supplier Reference, Reference, or Neither.
Both options can be selected through the dropdown menu next to each field.

Please Note: When selecting both options, if Document Number is selected as Supplier Reference, PO Number must be Reference. These options cannot be the same.
Bug Fix: Purchase Orders: Paperclip Attachment
Users were unable to attach a document through Paperclip onto a Purchase Order.
They will now be able to do so, without error.
18th January
Purchase Orders: Create PO and GRN via CSV Import
Both Purchase Orders and Goods Received Notes can be imported in bulk to Lightyear via a CSV import routine.
If you have used any of our bulk import features previously, this will be familiar to you.
Click here to find out more information about the CSV Import and how to get started!
Clicking between Products is easier with the addition of a next and previous button.
When viewing a Product, two new buttons will display at the bottom of the screen, allowing users to click to the next/previous product quickly.

Please Note: if you click next/previous without saving your changes, a popup modal will display asking if you want to continue without saving.
Bug Fix: Purchase Orders: Order/Complete before Conditional Approval
If a PO has met the conditions for dollar value approval, the tasks are sent to the appropriate users. While these tasks were pending, if viewing the PO from the All Open tab, users with Order/Complete Permissions could bypass these approval tasks and send the PO through to Ordered or Complete.
This fix prevents users from bypassing the approval tasks. Users in All Open can no longer send a PO through to Ordered/Completed prior to the relevant tasks being approved.
Bug Fix: Suppliers Not Visible when No Accountancy Software Selected
Where a Lightyear Account is created with no Accountancy Software selected, any Suppliers created would not be visible in the Manage Suppliers section. Users would need to connect to their Accountancy Software beforehand.
This issue is now resolved - users can see their Suppliers without connecting to an Accountancy Software.
6th January
Purchase Orders: Copy Purchase Order and Create Purchase Order from Invoice
Quickly copy an existing Purchase Order and create a new one with the click of a button.
When viewing an existing PO, click the
button to copy the information to a new PO.Users will be taken to the Create PO screen with the existing information prepopulated and PO Date updated to the current date.

Please Note: The Prefix will need to be re-selected in the case where multiple prefixes exist in an account.
The same can be done from an Invoice within the Approvals Workflow or Archive. Go to an Invoice in either of these locations and click More > Create PO. A new PO will be generated using the information available from the invoice.

Please Note: When copying from an Invoice, users will need to select a Prefix, Email, Delivery Address/Contact/Date and Approver as these aren’t readily available from an Invoice.
Bug Fix: Statement Matching Failing when a Line is Disregarded
In the scenario where a Statement is received into Lightyear with some missing invoices, when the user Disregards a line and receives the missing invoices at a later date, these aren’t automatically reconciled.
e.g. if the second line has been disregarded, then the first line invoice is received, the user would need to manually match the line.
With this fix, regardless of lines being disregarded, Missing invoices will match to the correct invoice when they are received into Lightyear.
Bug Fix: Re-Apply Map Not Working
There were some instances where multiple users uploading invoices, using the same map was causing issues when trying to Re-Apply a Map in the Approvals tab.
Users will now be able to re-apply a map without any issues or errors.
5th January
Accounting Software: Xero - Tax Codes in US Accounts
Accounts created as US accounts connected to Xero can now import and use Tax Codes within their Approvals and PO Workflows.
This is a required field and will be exported to Xero.

Please Note: This feature already exists within all other accounts operating outside the US. For full details on how set up Tax Rates, click
Bug Fix: Accounting Software: Sage 200 - Export Rounding Variances
Some customers on Sage 200 were seeing a variance between the data within Lightyear Panel 2 and what was exported to their CSV file. Lightyear displays in 2 decimal places, but exports in 3 decimal places.
This fix aligns all data to display and export in 2 decimal places, which will remove any rounding variances for Sage 200.