How to Log into Lightyear

Having Trouble Logging In?

If you are here, it might be because you Googled, Bing-ed, Alta Vista-ed, or Asked Jeeves "Lightyear Login", and they've served you a link to our Knowledgebase Sign-In Page. You might have found your normal log in credentials don't work on that page. Don't worry though, this article is going to point you to the right link.

The Login Page

First things first, head to You'll be presented with a page that has the below. Enter your email address and password, and click "Log in". If you are a member of multiple Lightyear accounts, you'll be presented with a list to choose from. For more detail on the company picker, please refer to this article.

What do I do next? 

Bookmark/Star/Favourite so that you aren't betrayed by your favourite search engine next time!

What if I've forgotten my password?

You'll want to click "Forgot your password?". This article goes into greater detail. 


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