Special Notes
If you're migrating files from the same brand of software, e.g. a version of MYOB Desktop to MYOB AccountRight/Essentials, or Xero to another Xero file for a clean start - take note in this section! If you're changing software packages completely e.g. Xero to Netsuite, you can skip to the next section >> Back in Lightyear below.
Because you are essentially importing records from the same software, Lightyear retains the old and new records, thus appearing to create duplicated records. If you are planning to use the same GL code list (or even similar), you can update your old GL Codes list with a "z." at the start of the Description to differentiate between the old and new set of records. This can be seen as an indicator this GL code is to be retired and no longer used. As a safety step, you can head to Settings > Accounting Software > Supplier Cards, GL Codes, Tax rates, Categories (if in use) to mark your existing accounting software records as "not in use" to disable these as options for coding moving forward > Save
That way, when you import the new list of GL Codes, they will default to in use so they appear in your coding list as expected from the new file. Read on to begin...