May 2022

May 2022

31st May

Enhancement: Bulk Actions in Approvals/Review

Depending on how your Lightyear account is set up, you will now have the ability to Bulk Sign Off/Delete/Return to Processing in the Approvals/Review tabs. This will depend on if you use a Single or Double approval workflow.

Single Approval Workflow: In the Approvals tab users will now be able to Sign Off, Delete and Return to Processing in bulk. This also includes the ability to Bulk Sign Off, Export and Archive from Approvals.

Double Approval Workflow: In the Review tab, users will now be able to Sign Off, Delete, Return to Approvals and Return to Processing in bulk. This also includes the ability to Bulk Sign Off, Export and Archive from Review.

When actioning any document in bulk, verification checks will be performed to ensure a document can be moved through to the selected tab. For example, if a document is missing a required field (Invoice Number, Date, GL Code, Tax Code, etc.) or there is a pending task on the document, it will remain in the current tab with an error icon  indicating it has failed. The Activity tab will give the exact reason why it failed.

Accountancy Software: Agresso: Tax Code 

Within the export CSV, Column K will now populate with the Tax Code as displayed on the invoice in Lightyear. Previously this was defaulting to P1.

25th May

Templates for CSV Imports

Templates can now be saved when using the CSV Import functionality within Lightyear. This can be utilised in the following areas:
  1. Create PO and GRN via CSV
  2. Bulk Supplier Upload
This functionality allows users to import specific columns on a CSV into Lightyear and save them for future use, making regular imports to be completed quicker and easier.

To use these templates, click the links above to go to the relevant articles where further information is provided.

Bug Fix: Purchase Orders: Matching Variances

When using Unit Price/Amount/Quantity and matching on a Percentage Variance, PO/Invoice lines were not matching as expected when there was variance within the specified percentage amount.

This fix allows users to match on a Variance as expected.

10th May

Enhancement: App Speeds

We have released a number of improvements behind the scenes that will help loading times for customers while in the Approvals and Purchase Order Workflow tabs. This should also increase loading times in the Processing tab when loading Map suggestions.

5th May

Auto Publish to Accountancy Software

Users can now bypass the Approval tab section of Lightyear and automatically send Bills/Credit Notes from Processing straight into their Accountancy Software. This can be set up on individual Suppliers, allowing users to select specific suppliers this applies to.

For full information on how to set up this feature, click here.
Please Note: This feature is currently available to Sage Intacct and Sage Business Cloud users, and will be built out into other Accounting Software gradually over the coming months.

Bug Fix: Export Before Approval Icon

Accounts with the Export before Approval feature switched on were not seeing the icon  in Panel 1 of the Approvals Workflow to show a Bill/Credit Note had been previously exported.

This icon will now display on the expected documents.


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