Is My Data Secure

Is my data secure ?

Lightyear holds data security to the highest industry standards. We do so with our design of infrastructure, data encryption, ISO certification and additional security features within the Lightyear app. Read on below for more details. 

Lightyear is a fully cloud-hosted Software as a Service (SaaS) solution. This means your data is stored online on our servers which are hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS).  AWS provide many security mechanisms including multi-location backups of our data to ensure the highest level of security is achieved.  Data is always stored across multiple Availability Zones, each separated by miles within an AWS Region, ensuring continuity of access to your data, and continuity of service.

Lightyear data is encrypted at rest as well as encrypted in transit.  The primary AWS Region that Lightyear uses for data storage is Oregon (US).  Your Image files are held in either Dublin (Ireland) or Sydney (Australia) ... depending on which location Lightyear consider to be closer to you.

Data Segregation
Data segregation refers to the practice of separating data into distinct and secure compartments to ensure that sensitive information is not accessed by unauthorised individuals.  At Lightyear, we use data segregation on our document storage (AWS S3) and database (AWS RDS) instances.
The documents stored in AWS S3 are secured within buckets and encrypted while at rest.  Access to these documents is restricted to only those users who belong to specifically authorised customers.
The data stored on our AWS RDS instance is safeguarded with encryption while at rest.  The customer's data is stored using a unique key and can only be accessed by authorised personnel.  Customers are not able to directly interact with this data; rather, they can retrieve data related only to their company using the only the Lightyear application.

AWS is the worlds leading cloud infrastructure provider and services many of the world's largest corporations and financial institutions and they have a proven track record of ensuring data integrity is maintained at all times.  More information relating to AWS security can be found here -  

Lightyear is also ISO 27001 certified. The basic goal of ISO27001 is to protect 3 aspects of information: 
  1. Confidentiality: Only the authorised persons have the right to access information
  2. Integrity: Only the authorised persons can change the information
  3. Availability: The information must be accessible to authorised persons whenever it is needed.
This is a leading internationally recognised certification for data and information security. It is one of the most popular standards for information security. ISO 27001 demonstrates our commitment to keeping your data secure.

For those who require higher standards of security, we also provide 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) within the Lightyear app. This serves as an additional means to secure your data and ensure only those with the right permissions can acccess your data.  Read on for more details on how to activate 2FA for either your profile or for you entire account. 


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