December 2021

December 2021

22nd December

Purchase Orders: Restrict Visibility User Permission

If you want Users to only see the POs they have created, you can give them the Restrict Visibility permission. This can be used with any combination of other Permissions e.g. with Create, Order and Receive, the user will only have the ability to Create their own POs, Order their own POs, and create GRNs for their own POs.

To set this up, head over to Users, create a new user, or select the green pencil icon next to an existing user.
Scroll down to the POs section and tick the Restrict Visibility permission. Don’t forget to Update!

Please Note: This will not apply to any Task Approvals sent. If a user is assigned a task for approval for a PO they didn’t create, they will be able to see this.
Please Note: Users with this permission will not be able to see any ingested POs within Lightyear, regardless of their other permissions.

Purchase Orders: Edit/Create Delivery Address

Users can now edit existing Delivery Addresses from within Panel 2 on Purchase Orders.

When a delivery address has been selected, a green pencil icon  will display next to Delivery Address. Clicking this will open a popup modal with all fields to edit.

If a user wants to create a new delivery address, they can click the Delivery Address dropdown menu and select the green + Delivery Address option.

Enter the required information and click Confirm. This is the same process as creating a delivery address from Company Settings.
Please Note: Only users with the correct permissions will be able to edit/create the Delivery Date

Accountancy Software: WCBS - Reference 3 in Panel 1

Accounts connected to WCBS now have the ability to view Reference 3 information within Panel 3, allowing this column to be sorted in ascending or descending order. To view this, click the 3 dots in the top right of panel 3 and select Reference 3. Repeat the same action to hide the Reference 3 column.

Processing Tab Enhancements

Within the Processing tab in Panel 2, users will now see a new look for the Select/Create/Edit Supplier area.

To create a new supplier, select the dropdown box next to Next Step 

Select the green + Supplier option at the top of the list. The same popup modal will display to enter the new supplier details.

If you need to quickly edit a supplier, select the supplier from the dropdown. At the point, the Edit Supplier button will become available.

Click edit and make any changes as necessary.

The Send to Approvals button remains the same. Click this to send your document through to the Approvals Workflow.

Enhancement: Create Department Not Defaulting to New Department

When creating a new Department in Lightyear, users would be sent back to the first Department on the list, rather than the department just created.

Moving forward, if you create a new Department, they will be sent to this Department, allowing you to add Users/Suppliers to a Department directly after it's created.
If Supplier Cards are created in Lightyear with an empty Code ID field, users were having issues searching for a specific Supplier Card.

If an empty Card ID field exists, users will be able to search their Supplier Cards without issue.

Bug Fix: Accountancy Software: SunSystems - Can't View Categories

Accounts based in New Zealand connected to SunSystems were unable to see their Categories due to a recent release.

Those based in New Zealand will have no issues around this going forward.

Bug Fix: Mobile App

Some users with an Android using Android 12 were having issues downloading the Lightyear App.

We released an update on the Android App Store allowing users to download the app successfully.

14th December

Bug Fix: My Tasks Doc Date Not Appearing

For Approval Tasks sent on a Purchase Order, the Doc Date column was not populating within Panel 1 in My Tasks.

This was previously called Bill Date, now changed to Bill Date to accommodate POs. The date will now populate for all documents.

Bug Fix: Price Checker Not Flagging

When a user was viewing Amounts Are: Tax InclusivePrice Checker wasn't flagging correclty on Unit Price.

Price Checker will now display when users are viewing Tax Inclusive or Exclusive.

13th December

Purchase Orders: PDF Template

We have made some changes to our Lightyear PO template:
  1. Smaller font size
  2. Smaller line items area
  3. Delivery Instructions renamed to Notes/Delivery Instructions
  4. Labels on right are no longer bold
  5. Created by, Approved by are now on one line
  6. Lines between line item descriptions are lighter in colour

My Tasks Enhancements

Additional Columns

Within Panel 1, Approvers will now see new columns for Bill Date and Due Date.

Renamed Tabs

The Received Tab name has been changed to Pending.

New Task Status - On Hold

Users can now action documents as On Hold, this will leave the task pending, but allow other users of the account to see that it is on hold, still waiting for your approval.

Click the On Hold button in Panel 2, which will change the Task Status to On Hold

To remove a task from on hold, click the  Pending button within Panel 2, or Approve/Reject the task.

Un-assign/Re-assign Tasks

If a task has been sent to a user by mistake, users can click the Un-assign button to send this back to Approvals to be sent to another user by an admin.

If a task has been sent to a user by mistake, and they know who the task should have been sent to, they can click the Re-assign button, then send it on to a new user.

Select the user to send the new task to, or click Contact to send to an external user.

Bulk Action Tasks

Users can now Bulk Approve, Decline, Not for Me or On Hold multiple tasks at once. Simply select the document you want to action, and select the check box on the left of Panel 1 - select each task individually or click the check box in the header to select all.

From here, you can select the Action from Panel 2.


Similar to the funationality from within the Approvals Workflow, Task Approvers can now Dispute a document in the My Tasks area.

To do this, click More > Dispute.

Copy Keyword Rules between Suppliers

If all Keyword Rules within one Lightyear account will apply to the same GL Code, Category and Approver, these can now be copied across selected or all suppliers in a couple clicks.

Within your Supplier, scroll down to your existing Keyword Rules, select the rules you want to copy across to other Suppliers, and click Copy Rules.

In the popup modal, select the suppliers you want to copy the rules across to. After you have selected the suppleirs click Save.

Bug Fix: Forbidden Error when Creating Supplier

When a user had both Invoice Approve and PO Create permissions, but were not in any Departments, the Create Supplier button when creating a new PO was visible. Clicking on this button gave a Forbidden Error, as the user didn’t have the correct permissions to do this.

Users with this user permission set up will no longer see this button to Create Supplier.

Bug Fix: Can’t Edit VAT/Company Number

Previously, accounts registered outside Australia were not able to edit the VAT/GST/Company Number once the account was created.

We have opened this field up to allow users, with the correct permission, to edit this number at any point.

1st December

The search within the Description field will be a Contains search going forward. Previously this was an exact search, meaning users needed to search the whole description as found on the Invoice/PO.

For example, if an Invoice has a Description of ‘Fullers London pride 9G’, searching the word ‘Fullers’ in the Description field will return the above description, and any others that include ‘Fullers’.

Purchase Orders: Panel 1 Additional Column

Users can now view and sort from a Goods Excl Tax column within Panel 1. Similar to other columns, this can be sorted in ascending or descending order. This can be added by clicking the 3 dots in the top right, and selecting Goods, the column will then appear to the left of Tax.

Purchase Orders: Paperclip Attachments

Within Create PO, users can now add an attachment through the paperclip function.

Previously this could only be done after the PO was created, or within Draft.

Save Tax Inclusive/Exclusive Setting

If a user changes the Amounts Are dropdown to be either Tax Exclusive or Tax Inclusive, this will be saved across all documents on the users’ device.

This will remain saved until the user refreshes their Lightyear, similar to how Sorting and Filtering saves between tabs.

Save Show More Fields Setting

If a user clicks Show More Fields within Panel 2 on a document, this will be saved when clicking to other documents and between tabs.

This is similar to the above, and how Sorting and Filtering saves between tabs.

Bug Fix: Bank Details Checker - Symbols

Suppliers will sometimes format their BSB/Sort Code to be written as ‘01-23-45’. When we map and extract this number, it extracts with the -. Customers may save the BSB/Sort Code to be ‘012345’ in their Supplier Details. When customers were using the Bank Details Checker, this was flagging as a discrepancy, as we were considering the - to be included in the number.

Going forward, we will continue to extract and display the Sort Code as ‘01-23-45’, but will ignore the - symbol when comparing the 2 numbers. This will be the same for any symbol in Bank Details numbers. The comparison will only be done between the numbers (and letters in the case of IBAN/SWIFT).

Bug Fix: Mapping Type Dropdown Menu

Within ‘Search for Supplier Mappings’, it wasn’t obvious that the dropdown menu for Mapping Type had extra options, and users could scroll through multiple options.

A scrollbar has now been added to this dropdown menu to make this more clear.

Bug Fix: Purchase Orders: Splitting a Matched Line

ICYMI: We recently released the ability to manually split one description line into multiple (more info here). If a user has a Matched Line, and attempts to Split it, an error occurs.

To avoid this issue, users are not able to split a matched line. The line will need to be unmatched first, then split.


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