Purchase Orders
Auto-Order Purchase Orders
If you're familiar with our Auto-Approve feature, you can use the same functionality to automatically Order your Purchase Orders within Lightyear. When enabled, this will move your POs into the Ordered tab and automatically email the relevant ...
Purchase Orders on the Mobile App
Create Purchase Orders on the go via the Lightyear mobile app, available on both iOS and Android. Mobile Purchase Orders are currently in BETA, if you experience any issues, please reach out to our support team for assistance! Viewing Purchase Orders ...
Copy GL Codes, Categories and Misc. Ref from Purchase Order to Bill
If you have raised a Purchase Order and filled out the coding on each line i.e. GL Codes, Categories and Misc. Ref, when you receive the Bill relating to this PO, you probably want the line coding to match on both documents, and don't want to spend ...
Purchase Order Reports
Within the Archive, users can export their Purchase Order data to a CSV report in a number of different ways. To access these reports, first head over to Archive & Reporting. Within the Doc Type field, click the dropdown and select Purchase Orders. ...
Create PO and GRN via CSV
If you create Purchase Orders and Good Received Notes outside of Lightyear via a CSV, you can import these directly to Lightyear in bulk action. If you use any of our other CSV import routines e.g. Bulk Supplier Upload, Product Lists, etc., this will ...
Copy Purchase Order from Existing Purchase Order or Invoice
Quickly copy the information from an existing Purchase Order or Invoice to create a new PO with the click of a button! Copy from Existing Purchase Order When in the PO Workflow, select the PO you need to copy and click the Copy PO button within Panel ...
Creating a Custom Prefix for Purchase Orders
Lightyear automatically defaults all Purchase Order Numbers to default to PO as a prefix. If you want to create your own Prefix, or use multiple Prefixes, you can do so by following these steps. Creating a New Prefix Head over to Company Settings > ...
Purchase Order Importing and Mapping
How Maps Are Created Maps for Purchase Orders are slightly different than maps for Invoices. For an Invoice, we create a map per supplier, extracting the relevant information you need based on the map type. For Purchase Orders, there will be one map ...
How does 3 way matching work?
PO Bill Match Congratulations! You’ve reached the final stage of the purchasing process. By now, you’ve received your goods so you can match your Purchase Order (PO) to your Goods Received Notice (GRN) and your Bill. Experience the world’s first, ...
PO - Archive
With PO you can search in your archive for specific PO's. Much like when search invoices, the settings, filters and exports are also available with you purchase order records. PO Archive From any screen on Lightyear, go to the 'Archive and Reporting' ...
POs - Completed Tab
Now that you have Closed/Completed your POs, they can be found under the Completed tab. Check out this video or read on below to guide you through the Completed Tab. This is where users with PO Permission: Complete will be able to see all the ordered ...
POs - Ordered Tab
Ordered Tab Now that you have ordered your POs, they can be found under the Ordered tab. Check out this video to run you through navigating the Ordered Tab, Receiving Goods and PO <> Bill Matching or read on below to guide you through the Ordered ...
POs - Approved Tab
After your Approvers have approved their POs, they will land in your Approved Tab. Check out this video on navigating the Approved Tab to ordering or read on below to guide you through. See here for disambiguation: not to be confused with the POs ...
POs - Approval Tab
After you perform the action to "Send for Approval" the PO will land in the POs Approval Tab. Check out this video or read on below to guide you through the Approvals Tab. See here for disambiguation: not to be confused with the POs Approved Tab or ...
POs - Drafts Tab
Once you create a PO and select "save as Draft", the PO will transition to your Drafts tab. Check out this video or read on below to guide you through the Drafts Tab. This is where users with PO Permission: Create will be able to see all the POs (or ...
POs - All Open
Once you select Purchase Orders from the navigation pane, you are immediately greeted with all your currently open POs, i.e. those which are not in the Completed tab, which is found under the "All Open" tab. Check out this video or read on below to ...
Receiving goods against your Purchase Orders
Goods Received Notices (GRN) Once you've sent your Purchase Order, the next step is to receive the goods! This can easily be done in Lightyear which allows for 2 way or 3 way matching. Simply head over to the Ordered tab and select your Purchase ...
Set permissions for Purchase Order users
Now that you've activated and set your Purchase Orders workflow, it's time to set up your team's permissions. You can set user roles to start creating/approving/ordering products/services right away. You have control over what functions a user should ...
Purchase Order Workflow
You've filled out your purchase order details and now you need to choose your next action. See your options below to decide the best action for your workflow. We will run through the tabs individually to give you an idea of why they are there. ...
Creating Purchase Orders
So you're ready to create your first Purchase Order. Check out this video on Creating POs or read on below to guide you through the process. To Create a PO, click the " Create PO" button to the top right of your PO screen. You will then see the ...
Navigating Purchase Orders
Here, we will run down the layout of the purchase orders screen and in brief, what each section allows you to do. Check out this video on navigating Lightyear Purchasing or read on below to guide you through. The PO Screen The screen will be split ...
Introducing Lightyear Purchase Orders
Welcome to Purchase Orders With Lightyears Purchase Orders Feature, you can create, send, receive and complete POs in a few quick and easy clicks. The following tutorial will take you through the different main sections of the PO feature with links ...
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