General System
Can I Log In with Single Sign On (SSO)?
Short answer: Yes! We currently support Single Sign On for Xero, which can be found here, and Azure Active Directory. If you want to know how to set up Azure SSO, please reach out to a member of our team for further assistance.
Why Am I Being Disconnected From My Accountancy Software?
While using Lightyear, you may sometimes notice you have been disconnected from your Accountancy Software without having clicked the button yourself, and need to reconnect before you can export again. This will be because of Refresh Tokens that are ...
Lightyear Support Service Level Agreement's (SLA's)
Lightyear prides ourselves in Our world class product and teams. To maintain our stellar service standards, We have Service Level Agreement's (SLA's) in place to support Our customers in a timely manner through different channels. Depending on Your ...
Why Isn't My Panel 3 Loading?
When in Lightyear, if you have an issue where Panel 3 isn't Loading, from within Processing, Approvals, Statements or Purchase Orders, you're in the right place! There are a couple solutions you can try: Browser Please ensure you're using the latest ...
Having Trouble Logging In?
If you are here, it might be because you Googled, Bing-ed, Alta Vista-ed, or Asked Jeeves "Lightyear Login", and they've served you a link to our Knowledgebase Sign-In Page. You might have found your normal log in credentials don't work on that page. ...
Can I Sort or Filter Through my Documents?
Yes, you can do this in Panel 1 anywhere in the app. Lightyear allows you to Sort through the header columns in Panel 1 in ascending or descending order. Alternatively, if you want to filter your view to just look at a specific filtered set of lines, ...
Lightyear Panels: Explained
When reading through our Knowledge Base articles or if you’re speaking to our Support Team, you may see us referring to Panels within Lightyear. This article will explain what the Panels are and what information each panel holds. Layout Every tab ...
Users & Permissions
The beauty of Lightyear is the control over user permissions to maintain privacy and security across the business. Security Measures Adding & Editing Users Only users with Parent Admin or Company Admin permissions are able to access the Users page ...
Whitelisting our SPF records/IP addresses
For those using advanced security softwares, you may run into some issues with receiving emails from Lightyear as they may get picked up by spam filters/security products. In order to avoid this, please whitelist our email domains ( ...
What Gets Redirected From Lightyear?
Where to add a redirect? If your Lightyear account receives an email that does not contain an invoice, we will forward the email to this address so that you don't lose anything. It's best to set this as an email account that you check regularly, just ...
I want to change my monthly plan, what do I need to do?
Changing your monthly subscription If you find yourself using a large number of overage credits each month, or expect an increase (or decrease) in your credit consumption for the coming month, you can change your plan through Billing. Please note, if ...
Cancel your plan
We're sorry to hear that you'll be leaving us. In these cases, you will want to cancel your plan. If you're on a monthly subscription, this will be easy and under your control. Depending on the type of company set up you have, you will find your ...
Tax Rates: Override Tax Rate and Supplier Rate Differs
Override Supplier Tax Rate If you do not claim tax in your tax return, you can set up your tax rates to automatically override and gross up the nett amount of an invoice. For example, if you set 20% VAT with an override rate of 0% - all suppliers ...
Logging Into Lightyear for the First Time
So you've been invited to join Lightyear... Congratulations! You will have received an invitation letting you know who has invited you and to which account you have been invited to. Logging into Lightyear for the First Time When you're first added ...
Multi Factor Authentication (MFA / 2FA)
Enabling 2 Factor Authentication As your Lightyear account contains a lot of confidential and sensitive information, you may want to increase security measures with our 2 Factor Authentication (2FA/MFA). You can enable this within your User Profile ...
How to change your billing address in Lightyear
From time to time, you may need to change the billing address that you initially used to set up your Lightyear account. To do this, follow the steps below. On your Lightyear screen, click the drop down to the top right of the page, your name will ...
How to handle foreign currency documents
If your business purchases goods and services from overseas suppliers or local suppliers that charge in your non standard currency, there are a couple of ways you can handle these in Lightyear. For ease of use, we would recommend the first option ...
How to change my payment details
In order to change your payment details, or update your details with a new card, follow the steps below. Please note, if you are in a Parent account, billing is found to the top left of your screen: From the Lightyear screen, select the " SETTINGS" ...
How to choose destination of a file download from Lightyear
You may want to set a source file for your lightyear downloads, that is different from your regular downloads folder. From within Google Chrome, you can select the option to choose a folder destination when you download a File from Lightyear. ...
Redirect vs Auto Forwarding your AP emails to Lightyear
Why Redirect Supplier Emails? Lightyear is all about automation, getting documents into your account should not be a manual process. The less you have to move documents, contact suppliers and review everything, the better. That is why forwarding PDF ...
How does Lightyear Data Extraction work?
Data Extraction Explained Lightyear uses world class data extraction technology to minimise your workload. We strip all of the data, line by line, from your bills, credit notes and statements so you no longer have to spend long hours manually ...
How do I Refer a Friend and get a voucher?
If you're loving Lightyear and have friends/colleagues/pets that you think will benefit from it's efficiency, you can refer them and get yourself a little bonus in the process. Once successful, you as the referrer can score yourself a gift voucher to ...
How do I learn about the latest Feature Releases and Improvements in Lightyear?
When we push out a major feature update, we'll notify you with a bell icon in the top right of your Lightyear window. Click this to get the low down on the greatest and latest updates to the app. You can also check out our release notes for a ...
How to automatically round variances in your bill data
Automatic Rounding From time to time, Rounding variances can exist between how Lightyear calculates unit prices and tax on product Bills (4 decimal places, calculate unit price and tax on the rows and then total these) and how suppliers may have ...
How do I leave notes on a document and tag someone?
Can I leave notes on a bill? Yes, you can! In fact, you can do this on an invoice level so when others log in, they can see exactly which bill you're referring to making it easy for collaboration. Every note is date and timestamped so you'll know who ...
Is there a size limit on attachments being sent into Lightyear?
File Size Limitations There are a couple of limits in place to help maintain snappy app performance: A single attachment can be no larger than 10mb The total size of all attachments in an email combined can be no larger than 25mb However, this ...
How do I navigate between my accounts - Company Picker
Are you a user of multiple Lightyear accounts? Done working in one and want to be able to switch to another account easily? Use our company picker! Navigating your companies on log-in If you're a user of multiple companies, the company picker quickly ...
How to split and group documents
Splitting attachments On occasion, your supplier may send you a PDF that contains more than one bill. As this is 1 file, Lightyear will read this as 1 bill, making it difficult to accurately apply maps and extract information. See the below example ...
How to print/download a document
Download a document There may be instances you might want to download a document, whether it's to attach it to another item, for referencing the file, or perhaps a catalog has been sent to your Lightyear account and you want to download it to review ...
What is the difference between a Bill vs Invoice? a Supplier vs Vendor ?
Well, nothing really. Different countries and software partners refer to Bills or Invoices. They are actually two names for the same thing. Similarly, Different countries and software partners refer to Vendors or Suppliers. They are also the same ...
Why is the invoice red?
Do you have an invoice in your Approval Tab or Review Tab which is in red? Why is the invoice line red? This is because you have returned it from either the Signed Off tab to the Review Tab or from the Review tab to the Approval. Once you approve it ...
How to expand the view of document details
Lightyear extracts so much useful and important detail from invoices that it can be information overload to display it all at once. So, we've had to hide some details by default to give you the best use of screen view but you can make these viewable ...
How do I delete a document?
From the Processing/Approvals/Review tabs use the trash-can icon beside the More button In the Processing tab, if your document has more than one attachment, you can either delete the entire email, or delete the attachment you're currently viewing ...
How do I change my Company name or Lightyear email address?
Has your company name changed and you need to update your details in Lightyear? That's not a problem. You can change your 'Company Name' and/or 'Trading Name' via the Company Profile section. Navigate to the top right of your screen, you'll see your ...
How can I see how many credits have been used?
o you need to report how many credits are being used by your company or by your child companies? Depending on your company structure, you'll find your billing overview in different locations. For those who have parent/child companies: You can view ...
Can Lightyear see my details and documents?
In short, no we can't. Not unless you invite us to do so. If you would like to invite us to see your data, even for a short period of time, its easy. Head over to Company Settings > Allow Lightyear Support > Yes, as shown below. Only Admins can ...
How do I set default tax rates at supplier level?
How to set a Default Taxed Rate Head into the Suppliers section to the left of your screen in the icon ribbon and click find the supplier you want Select it then hit Edit . Scroll down to Supplier Rules and change the Default Tax Code. If the ...
Can I get notifications/emails of approval tasks to complete & account activity?
You most certainly can. Each User can set these up through their profile in Lightyear. Click here for the My Profile guide under the Communications Preferences which explains what's involved. You can choose to activate the following preferences: ...
Transferring Ownership of a Child Account or Deleting your Lightyear Account?
Transferring Ownership If you have a client's account linked under yours, using your credits - we call this a Parent/Child setup. Should you like to either transfer them to another accountant, unlink them from yours, or if you are the client and want ...
My Profile
Changing your profile settings Users are in control of updating their own contact and login information, as well as some communication preferences. This is done through a section called My Profile, which is found by clicking on your username in the ...
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