NetSuite Bill and Purchase Order Matching
Do you use POs in NetSuite? Would you like your POs in NetSuite to automatically link to the bill and close when the bill is exported from Lightyear? Our new custom SuiteBundle may be just what you’re looking for! What is a SuiteBundle? A SuiteBundle ...
Sending Product Code and Quantity from Lightyear to NetSuite
If you want the extracted Product Code and Quantity on bills and credit notes to export into your NetSuite account, you will need to configure NetSuite to accept it first. Keep in mind, Lightyear currently only writes to two forms in Netsuite, the ...
Netsuite Tax Groups
Will Lightyear allow you to import Tax Groups from Netsuite? Yes. Lightyear can indeed work with Tax Groups from Netsuite. This can be done however, you will need to contact Lightyear Support to activate this setting. Please contact support with a ...
How do I keep my Lightyear and Netsuite accounts up to date?
Keeping Records up to date. Because Lightyear and Netsuite are full cloud solutions, our connection makes it easy to keep both accounts up to date. We've created a button under each component (GL Codes, Suppliers, Tax rates, Categories) to allow you ...
How does my data appear in NetSuite?
Where to find your bills in NetSuite Once you've exported your bills from Lightyear into Netsuite, head over to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills > List in NetSuite to bring up the list of bill records. Here, you'll be able to search or click ...
NetSuite Export Errors, Tips and Tricks
Lightyear Error Messages ... found on the Activity thread of the bill in question Failed to export invoice [The total cannot be negative.] Reason for Error - NetSuite requires documents with a value of < 0 to be a credit note, not a negative ...
Sending a URL from Lightyear to NetSuite
If you want to have your NetSuite files receive and present the URL linking back to the image file in Lightyear, you will need to configure NetSuite to accept it. Keep in mind, Lightyear currently only writes to two forms in NetSuite, the "Standard ...
Sending Purchase Order numbers from Lightyear to NetSuite
If you want to have your NetSuite files receive and present any PO numbers extracted by Lightyear, you will need to configure NetSuite to accept it. Keep in mind, Lightyear currently only writes to two forms in Netsuite, the "Standard Vendor Bill" ...
Netsuite Integration Setup Guide
Make sure you're logged into NetSuite as an admin There's quite a few steps required to get your NetSuite integration up and running, but this is only a one time set up and will not need to be completed again unless you wish to connect another ...
Popular Articles
November 2020
November 2020 releases November 27th Fuelsoft Export Enhancements Now, when exporting to Fuelsoft from Lightyear, you can choose one of two ways to have you description field populate in Fuelsoft. The GL line from the top of the invoice will auto ...
How does Lightyear Data Extraction work?
Data Extraction Explained Lightyear uses world class data extraction technology to minimise your workload. We strip all of the data, line by line, from your bills, credit notes and statements so you no longer have to spend long hours manually ...
Processing Tab
It may sound scary, but it’s not. Watch this video on Processing Bills. The first time a Supplier sends a bill to your Lightyear account, it will appear in the Processing tab. As will scanned documents and statements. The Processing tab can seem ...
Statements - How to Reconcile
Automatic Supplier Statement Feature allowing you to file & automatically reconcile your supplier statements, making reconciliation a breeze. What's more, if there are any missing documents on your statement, you can automatically email your supplier ...
Why can't I create a Xero supplier in Lightyear
Within Xero you have Contacts and you have Suppliers. Lightyear recognizes these as two different types of records. If you try to create a supplier within Lightyear and it does not work, the likely cause is the contact already exists in Xero. When ...