How to make my Lightyear account a 'Parent'?
A 'Parent' account carries the billing and user setup for all it's subsequent 'child' or 'client' registrations. For context, a Lightyear account defaults to a 'Standalone' status; it follows that should this have been registered this way in error, here is how to change a Lightyear account from 'Standalone' to 'Parent' status:
- Login to Lightyear,
- Navigate to the account you wish to change
- Click the arrow next to your name in the top right corner
- From the dropdown, select 'Company Profile'
In the Company Profile screen, tick the checkbox pictured here:
Save changes and you should see the 'Parent Admin' options available to you (and any other admin users in the account):
What benefits are found in the Parent Admin options?
Admin users in a Parent account have access to your 'Parent Admin' section. This section allows you to easily manage all users and child (or 'client' if you're an accounting firm) entities in one location:
- add users to be associated with child accounts
- edit users to update their privileges for each child account
- add and remove users to/from your child accounts
- add new client companies to your parent account
Head over to the Parent Admin section, then Users And Companies. A screen similar to this will appear listing your current child companies and available users:
From this screen you can add new Child companies and new users, and assign users these to companies by clicking the green briefcase icon next to the user.
New users added via Parent Admin can only be associated with your child companies, i.e. they will not have access to your Parent account. If you wish to add users to your Parent account, go to Users and add them from there.
Assigning Users to a Child Company
On the Child Companies panel select a company and click Assign Users. The following screen should appear:
Along the right you will see any users who can be added to this company. Select the user you want to add, then click the left pointing arrow to move them into that company. Save Changes and you're done! Similarly users can be removed from a company by double-clicking item in the left-hand panel or again, selecting and using the arrow buttons.
Any users added to a client company will receive an email asking them to accept their new role(s).
Adding A New Child/Client Company
To add a new company from your Parent account that will use your credits, click on the Create Company button in the 'Users & Companies' section and simply fill in the registration form:
You will be able to assign users to any new companies you create immediately from the 'Users & Companies' screen.
Another way to add a new company that will use your credits is to open the Company Picker along the top of the screen:
and simply fill in the registration form. You will be able to assign users to any new companies you create immediately from the 'Users & Companies' screen.

- Create New Client Company - This will create a 'client' / 'child' company that WILL consume the credits purchased by the Parent.
- Create New Standalone Company - This will create a new company requiring a seperate subscription of credits that WILL NOT consume Parent credits.
Group Billing
For those Lightyear users who manage multiple accounts, the Group Billing view allows a high level overview of the credit usage of each account. This is also where payment details and plan details can be modified.
The Transaction History can be filtered by Type, Period, and by individual accounts, and exported as a .csv file.