Statements are a great feature within Lightyear to help reconcile your outstanding Bills and keep a track of reconciled supplier statements.
How to file a statement
Statements can be filed to Statements Tab from the Processing Tab. Select the statement, and click More > Manually File Statement.
You'll be asked for the following info.
All fields are mandatory
- Supplier
- Statement date
- Bill date range
Once these are filled out, the statement will be stored in your Statements Tab
Searching for a filed statement
Anything that's marked as a statement will be stored in the Statements Tab, so this is where we'll need to go to view them.
Results are displayed in the following format within the 3 panel layout :
Panel 1 - The statements that have been returned in the search parameters
Panel 2 - Default view will display the summary information of all Bills with the selected statements date range. Note: Panel 3 will display the statement image by default. If user selects a Bill in panel 2, the image will display the selected Bill, and the data in panel 2 will display the selected Bills details. To return to the Statement view, click 'Statement Detail' in the panel 2 sub-menu
You can pivot between Search, Statement Detail, Statement Activity, Bill Detail & Bill Activity within the sub-menu of panel 2.
Reconciling Statements
To mark a statement as reconciled, tick the 'is reconciled' tick box in panel 2 under statement detail. This will then flag as reconciled and will be denoted with a green thumbs up in panel 1 (see image below)
Trashing Statement
You can trash a statement by clicking the Trash icon in panel 2. You can search for trashed statements by clicking the 'include trash' tick box when searching.