Smart Extract+ - Credit Notes

Smart Extract+ - Credit Notes

Uploading as a Credit Note

Within the Upload modal, you can select Credit Note from the Document Type dropdown to automatically Smart Extract documents as Credit Notes, i.e., with the line amounts/tax/total automatically changing to negative values.

Uploading as a Bill

In the scenario where you forget to select the Credit Note Document Type, and upload your document as a Bill, or you email the document to Lightyear as a Bill, we can detect when we think it might be a Credit Note instead.

As normal, upload or email your document as a Bill and click Smart Extract. Once it finishes extracting, we will check the extracted data for the following triggers:
  1. Credit Note
  2. Credit No
  3. Credit #
  4. Credit Amount
  5. Credit Bill
  6. Credit Memo
  7. Tax Invoice Adjustment
  8. Adjustment Note
  9. Credit Adjustment
If a trigger is found on the document, we will flag them to you in a modal. 
Please Note: If you don't see the modal, please ensure you have selected a Supplier first.

If you are happy what we're flagging to you does indicate the document is a Credit Note, you can keep the line(s) checked as In Use and click Confirm. Doing this will flip the Doc Type to Credit Note and change the extraction to negative values. When you upload the same Supplier a second, third, forth time, it will automatically flow into Approvals and flip to a Credit Note with a message in Activity telling you so.

If we've flagged a more generic phrase that you know appears on the Bill too, e.g., some documents will say Tax Invoice/Credit Note Number for both the Bill and Credit Note, in this case you wouldn't want to use Credit Note as your trigger to flip the document type, as this will result in genuine Bills flipping to Credit Notes incorrectly. Instead, you'd want to uncheck the In Use flag for the Credit Note line and ensure the other triggers only appear on the Credit Note side. If we haven't flagged one to you in the modal, you can go to your Supplier and add a Customised Trigger.

Customised Triggers

As mentioned above, if we don't automatically flag a trigger to you, that doesn't mean you're stuck, you can set up customised triggers on a Supplier by Supplier basis.

Head over to your Supplier and click Extraction Rules > Smart Extract. Here, you'll see the option to + Document Classification.

You'll see a similar modal to the Processing tab, allowing you to enter the details you want to be flagged.

  1. Value: enter the word or phrase you want to use to trigger documents uploaded as Bills to be flipped into Credit Notes. 
  2. Treat As: in the drop down menu, choose the document type you want Bills to flip to when the trigger has been found. Choose between Credit Note and Bill.
  3. In Use: from this modal, you're probably always going to keep this checked, but in the case where you're preemptively adding rules that you don't want to trigger, you can add it here and uncheck the box.
Warning: Ensure the Value isn't too generic, e.g., a single letter, number or symbol, or a word that will appear on both Bills or Credit Notes as this will result in all documents for this Supplier flipping to Credit Notes.

Mixed Triggers

In the scenario where you've set up customised triggers that have been found on one document, e.g., in the scenario you add
  1. Credit Note to flag as a Credit Note
  2. Invoice Number to flag as a Bill
The document will stop in Processing and display the modal like so:

As you are telling Lightyear to treat this one document as both a Credit Note and Bill, when you click Confirm, you'll be stopped with a snackbar error saying you need to de-select one of the In Use flags against the different document types.

Here, you have two options
  1. Untick both the Credit Note lines
    1. This will keep the document, and any documents moving forward with Credit No or Credit Note on them as Bills.
  2. Untick the Bill Line
    1. This will flip the document to a Credit Note, and any documents moving forward with the word Bill on them will not be flagged or created as a Bill. You will need to refine your triggers to enter a value that only appears on one of the document types.
Only when you have one type of document selected as In Use can you proceed and click Confirm.


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