Redirecting Supplier emails into Lightyear (Auto Forwarding)

Redirect vs Auto Forwarding your AP emails to Lightyear

Why Redirect Supplier Emails?

Lightyear is all about automation, getting documents into your account should not be a manual process. The less you have to move documents, contact suppliers and review everything, the better. That is why forwarding PDF documents from suppliers automatically to Lightyear saves you more time, keeps AP conversations out of mailboxes and delivers a truly automated experience.

What is Auto Forwarding

Auto Forwarding is basically bouncing an email sent to you, to a different email address. For example, rather than having a supplier email PDF's to your work email, then you having to send them Lightyear for extraction, auto-forwarding means that this is done for you. You wont even see the email until it is in Lightyear. This means that all you will be doing, is logging in, take action on your workflow and you are done. Simple.

How do I set up Auto Forwarding?

Lightyear works best when your suppliers are sending their bills directly into Lightyear (pre-written email here for you to copy/paste). However, we understand not everyone wants to do this (a user may wish to have a copy of each email on their own device for example), so we advise setting up rules in your email client to auto redirect (or auto forward) bills from suppliers to a nominated address (your Lightyear account). The steps to set this up will differ depending on which email client you use and we have linked how to do this for each of them below.

In summary:
* Forwarding: Will send an email from YOUR email address, regardless of the address the email was sent from originally.
* Redirecting: Will send an email keeping the address of the original sender.

It follows that we strongly suggest using Redirect as you'll benefit from more robust rules applied by Lightyear as every sender email address is unique. Alas, not all email clients support this, please check out the links below on setting the redirect function within the larger email clients;

If you are using an e-mail client that is not listed, please get in touch via the chat in the bottom left of your Lightyear screen.


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