Multiple Users Actions - "The document has been edited by another user. Please refresh to view the latest document version"

Multiple Users Actions - "The document has been edited by another user. Please refresh to view the latest document version"

Lightyear will flag to you when a document has been updated by another user as you're looking at it. This is aimed to help prevent users from overwriting each others data and moving documents to different locations.

Scenario 1:
User A has selected a bill in their Approvals tab, they make a change to a line item description and update the account code.
User B selects the same bill and makes a change to the same line item description and updates the tax code.
User A clicks Save.
User B makes another edit to the document and adjusts the due date.
User B clicks Save.

In this instance, the changes that User A makes will be saved. When User B clicks Save, they will be presented with an error message alerting them to the fact the document has already been edited by someone else. The changes User B makes will not have been saved. User B will need to refresh  their Lightyear to see the latest updates.

Scenario 2:
User A selects a bill in their Approvals tab.
User B selects the same bill in their Approvals tab.
User A clicks delete/approve/return to processing.
User B makes an edit to the due date.
User B clicks Save.

As User A has already deleted the bill that is being worked on by another user, User B will be presented with an error message alerting them to the fact the document has already been edited by someone else. User B will need to refresh  their Lightyear to see the latest updates.

The error message presented to users will look something like:


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