My Supplier doesn't use Product Codes, but I need line extraction, what should I do?

My Supplier doesn't use Product Codes, but I need line extraction, what should I do?

Have you been using Lightyear and found you love the Product Line Item maps for the accuracy and information they provide? What if you have a Supplier who provides you with invoices that don't have a  Product Code, are you still able to use and request Line Item Maps? 

Short answer? Of course! Simply request a Line Item Extraction and we'll simply extract the Description twice.

Longer answer? Still yes, but there are a few requirements we have in order to map these invoices with the accuracy you need. These are outlined below:
It is important to note that the features typically associated with Line Item Maps (such as Inventory Exports and Price Checker) may be affected, but if you're reading this... you're probably well aware of that.
Example of an Invoice without Product Codes:

Example of a Line Item Extraction of the same Invoice:

For more information on our different extractions, click here!


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