21st May
Accountancy Software: Sage Business Cloud - Quantity on Export
To prevent rounding issues, we will now export the Quantity on a Bill/Credit Note - Line Item always as 1. The Unit Price and Line Amount will export the correct values in relation to the quantity e.g. if in Lightyear the document is Qty=4, Unit Price=2.00 and Line Amount=8.00, it will now export as Qty=1, Unit Price=8.00 and Line Amount=8.00.
Bug Fix: Approval Task Filters
Fixes an issue where the Task Filter in the Approvals Workflow wasn't returning any results when searching using the where there should have been.
15th May
Inventory: Purchase Order Number
Users with Inventory enabled can now display the Purchase Order Number of the bill within Panel 1
Search Bar Redesign
You may notice a slight change to how our Search Bars look within Lightyear, changing from
These will still function in the same way you're used to!