An American study in 2019 found that on average, people touch their phone 96 times a day! Therefore, this is a really helpful feature when you need invoices approved or checked. Especially as more and more businesses move to remote working conditions, it's a great feature to get their attention and simply make someone aware of an issue. Make your accounts payable even easier with the Lightyear mobile app, available for Android and iOS devices. Users can snap pictures of their receipts, bills, then upload them to any of their accounts instantly, and approve anything available to them in the Approvals tab.
Please note that Mobile Approvals is only available to accounts with Double Approval (or more). This is managed as part of your Company Settings, for more information on these settings, head over to
this help article.
Download the Lightyear app
- Requires iOS 11.0 or later
- Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
Using the App
Once you have the app installed, you'll need to log in using your regular credentials. This will allow you to to select any Company that you are currently a user of.
You can change which company you're logged into at any time by using the Company Picker at the top of the screen.
When logged into the app, click the Upload Doc to select a document type then choose if you want to take a photo or upload from your camera roll.

Note: that on the first time doing this, you may need to grant permission for Lightyear to access your Camera or Camera Roll.
You can also choose to send all images as receipts, by enabling the
Upload as Receipt option within the app settings.
More information can be found here on receipt extraction.
Otherwise, you can select the document type: Receipt, Bill/Credit Note, Purchase Order or Statement when clicking the camera icon.
Take a picture of the receipt or the bill you want to upload, and within seconds it will appear in the relevant Processing Tab You can easily identify which bills were uploaded through the mobile app by the symbol to the left of the email. Once a Receipt is uploaded, you will see a Grey Receipt icon to the right in Panel 1:
Approving Bills in the workflow
By clicking into the Approvals, you'll be able to see your bills, just like when logged into Lightyear. If your company uses Departments, you'll only be able to see bills in your Department(s).
You'll see summary data for each bill, including
- Bill date
- Supplier
- Bill amount
Tapping into any bill will load an image of the bill, and you can swipe left and right for various actions.
- Swipe right to Approve a bill
- Swipe left to Delete, Attach files, check the Notes and Dispute a bill
You will only see the Approval tab if you have the Double/Executive Approval set up in your Company Settings.
Approving Bill Tasks
If you are sent a bill task by another user in Lightyear, you can action these through the Lightyear mobile app, just as you would normally.
When you open the app, you'll see a counter against the Tasks tile, which displays if there are any tasks that need your attention.
Tap into a Task to see a preview of the bill itself, then hold and swipe right to Approve the bill, or to the left to Decline, mark as Not for Me or leave a note.
Tagging and Mentioning
In the Lightyear mobile app, you can continue to communicate and collaborate effectively. Leave notes, much like you would leave a note in the desktop version, by using the "@" symbol to mention someone in your team. See steps below.
Tap the Mobile App on your mobile device.
The App will then load on you phone. The below screen is the home screen of the App.
To view your previous and current mentions, you can click the Mentions area. By default, the three most recent mentions will display on the home screen.
When you tap in for more detail, you will see the most recent 20 mentions in a list view.
You can see above, the information displayed shows the Sender, Date and Time, Lightyear Profile Name and some of the message. With these details displayed you can instantly see the run down of what is what. Then to read the note and reply, slide your finger to the left, on the chosen mention. The screen will then show as below:
Then tap the Reply/View option.
The next screen will show like this:
You can then tap into the top section to reply. You will see, that when replying to the mention, the senders name is automatically showing. Once the message is typed, you can click reply.
Mobile App Notifications
With our latest update, the Mobile App will now give you a notification tone, alert and badge on the Lightyear app icon when one is received.
This is a massive benefit for approving on the go and being alerted whenever something needs your attention. Here's how it looks when you receive new Tasks/Mentions:
You can see a counter badge on the Lightyear icon and also in your phone notifications. Depending on your Android or iOS device, revealing your notification centre will display a preview of the mention as seen below:
And, you're set! Start tagging someone today to try it out and get them to message you back so you can see what the notifications are all about.