Keyword Rule Automation

Keyword Rule Automation

Keyword Rules Automation allows you to set custom rules up at a supplier level to determine how bills are coded (GL, Categories...) and even route bills to certain approvers based on a keyword. This keyword can be anything, an account number, an address, a PO reference or any unique string of characters.

As an example, picture a restaurant group of 3 locations running all their bills through 1 Lightyear account, ordering stock through one supplier.  The addresses of the restaurants are as follows:
  1. Holbrook Parish
  2. New Road
  3. Persimmon Homes
Keyword rules automation will allow them to have their bills automatically coded with unique GL Codes, Tracking Categories and/or assigned to a specific approver by simply adding the above addresses as the keywords, looking like this:

The above configuration overrides the defaults setup at supplier level based on the address that Lightyear detects and automatically generates an Approval Task to the relevant Manager within 1 second of the bill hitting the mail server. Simple.

Setting up Keyword Rules Automation

Before you can start setting your rules, you need to enable Keyword Rule Automation in Company Settings

Once on, head into edit any Supplier, and you'll see the Keyword Rules automation table at the bottom of the "Profile" tab. This is where you can start setting your rules.

The set up is simple. Under "Doc Keyword(s)", enter a string of text found on bills from that supplier that's unique to that site. This would typically be an address or a post code, but you can enter anything that's unique to that specific location. The system will try to find anything that is close to matching the Keyword(s) , ignoring punctuation, capital letters and spacing, but an exact match would be preferred.

Once that's done, set the GL,  Tracking Category or Approver you'd like to see automatically populated for that unique identifier. 

Note - you do not have to set all the drop downs.  You can choose to just automate the Approver for example, and leave the other options blank.  in this scenario, the default Supplier level bookkeeping rules will activated if the Keyword drop down is blank.

WARNING - If you want your Line by Line Rules to apply at product level , then do not set Keyword automation for that supplier.  The Keyword rule will over-ride your product level automation rules settings. 

Please note, that under the "PROJECTS" Header, you can update and customs each to the relevant project name. Here, for tutorial purposes, we have used numbers. 

That's all there is to it! Once a bill from that supplier is mapped and sent to your approvals tab, we'll scan the document for the keyword and automatically apply your chosen GL and Tracking Category defaults to each line on the bill. This will override any defaults set at the supplier level, and in the Product List.

Copy Keyword Rules

If all Keyword Rules within one Lightyear account will apply to the same GL Code, Category and Approver, you can copy these from one supplier to another easily.

Select the Rules you want to copy across, then click the Copy Rules button.

In the popup modal, select the suppliers you want to copy the rules across to, this can be as many or little as you want.

After you've made your selection, click Save. The keywords will then appear in the other Suppliers, ready to be applied to documents in your Approvals Workflow.

Bulk Delete

If you need to delete multiple Keyword Rules within a Supplier, you can do so by selecting the Rules you want to delete and clicking the delete rules button.

Once you have deleted the rules you don't need anymore, click Update on the Supplier to save your changes.
Warning: There is no undo button for deleting Keyword Rules. Once you click Update, you cannot reverse these changes.


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