July 2022

July 2022

29th July

Enhancements: Panel 2 Appearance

We recently made some changes to how Panel 2 looks in the Approvals Workflow, click here to view those changes.

Users will see the following changes:
  1. Currency will no longer be displayed on each individual line item. This can be found under the Unit Price and Amount columns
  2. If the Quantity column, the quantity will now display as 1, rather than displaying 1.0000.

Bug Fix: Manual Entered Documents and Approval

We have fixed two issues surrounding Approval of documents that have been manually entered. These are as follows:
  1. Within the My Tasks page, users were unable to Bulk Approve documents that were manually entered, they could only approve these individually
  2. If Manager Approval was set up on a user, this was not triggering if the documents were manually entered.
Users will now be able to approve all manually entered documents as expected.

Bug Fix: White Labelling Logos

When a Lightyear account was set up with a white labelled logo, some users were not seeing their company logo and were seeing the default Lightyear logo instead.

Now, when White Labelling has been applied to a Lightyear account, all users will see the correct logo.

Bug Fix: Statements

We have fixed the following issues within the Statements tab:
  1. When a line was manually unmatched and the Statement saved, if the user clicked into the Statement, the line was re-matched again.
  2. When a Statement had been manually un-reconciled and saved, if the user clicked into the Statement, the statement was reconciled again.
  3. Some users reported Statements automatically matching to the incorrect invoice, as Lightyear found a partial match on another invoice. For example, a Statement line for Invoice 'INV-1234' was matching to 'INV-12', when 'INV-1234' also existed. Now, when a full match is found, Lightyear will automatically match to this invoice instead.

Bug Fix: Task Approval - Dispute/Send Supplier Email

Task Approvers do not have permission to Dispute a document or use Send Supplier Email from with the My Tasks page. Trying to use this feature will display an error to the user.

Bug Fix: Purchase Orders

We have fixed the following issues within the Purchase Orders Workflow:
  1. US customers were seeing an issue when entering a Delivery Date in Create PO, as the format was defaulting to DD/MM/YYYY. Now, US customers can enter a date in MM/DD/YYYY format and this will be accepted.
  2. When moving a PO from Approved to Ordered, the snack bar displayed a message saying 'Returned to Ordered Successfully'. This message will now say 'Purchase Order Successfully Ordered

27th July

Purchase Orders: PDF Paragraph Breaks

Within the PDF of the Purchase Order generated within Lightyear, users will see paragraph breaks displayed per what is entered in Lightyear.

Bug Fix: Documents Disappearing when using Auto-Export

Users with 0 credits and Auto-Export enabled were seeing an issue where some documents were disappearing from the Approvals workflow after a failed export.

These documents will hold in Approvals and display an error stating "Export Failed - Insufficient Credits."

Bug Fix: Filter Modal Deselecting Options

Within the Filter modal in the Approvals Workflow, when searching through the result set, users were seeing an issue where the previously selected options had been deselected once they clear the search option.

This fix will allow users to search within the Filter modals, without the previous selections being removed.

Bug Fix: Accountancy Software: Sage Intacct - Disconnecting Issues

Users connected to Sage Intacct were experiencing issues where their Lightyear/Sage Intacct appeared to disconnect.

This has been resolved, meaning users will not experience any unexpected disconnections.

22nd July

Bug Fix: Accountancy Software: Inerva - Rounding

Some users were seeing differences between what was calculated within Lightyear and what was calculated when exported to CSV. This issue was due to the CSV truncating to 2 decimal places, whereas Lightyear calculates to 4.

Now, Inerva customers will see Panel 2 within Lightyear to 2 decimal places only, to match what is on the CSV.
Please Note: This may result in additional Rounding Rows if the suppler calculates to something other than 2 decimal places.

21st July

Bug Fix: Accountancy Software: Xero - Unable to Export

We have fixed an issue where some customers were unable to export to Xero, and were unable to load data on the Dashboard page.

20th July

Purchase Orders: Reference in Panel 1 

Within Panel 1 of the Purchase Orders Workflow, users can view and sort on the Reference column. 

To view this, click the 3 dots in the top right and select PO Reference. Click the Reference column to sort in ascending or descending order.

Purchase Orders: Description and PO Number Character Length

We have increased the character limit on the PO Number from 10 to 25, and the Description to 2000.

Purchase Orders: Matching Speed

Users who use 3-Way Matching will see a reduction in loading times in Panel 2 and also the Matching Modals from within the Approvals and Purchase Order Workflows.

Bug Fix: Purchase Orders: Delivery Date

Users were able to enter data into the Delivery Date field which was note a Date format, once this was saved or moved into the next tab, the Date field would be empty, as it required a Date.

Now, if anything other than a Date is entered in the Delivery Date field, users will see an error asking for a Date.

Bug Fix: PO Variance Not Saving in Supplier

When entering a Quantity to the PO Variance field, this information was not saving correctly.

This fix ensures the Quantity Variance is saved as expected.

Bug Fix: Parent Dashboard Signed Off Values

Within the Parent Dashboard, the incorrect date/time was being presented when showing when the Last Export was.

The Last Export column will now show the correct date/time.

Bug Fix: Accountancy Software: Xero - Grouped Data Rounding

When exporting Grouped Data into Xero, users were seeing some variances between the Total Tax in Lightyear and Xero.

If there is a discrepancy between the two values, we will add in an additional Rounding Row to correct the difference.

13th July

Accounting Software: Other - Transaction Type Indicator

Within Export Mappings, users have the ability to choose whether the Transaction Type Indicator applies per line on the document, or at a header level. To turn this on, select the checkbox in the lower right.

When this option is disabled, if you have an invoice with 10 lines, 9 are positive, 1 is negative, the 9 positive lines will show the Transaction Type Indicator for the Bill, and the 1 negative line will show the Transaction Type Indicator for the Credit.

When this option is enabled, if you have an invoice with 10 lines, 9 are positive, 1 is negative, all lines will show with the Transaction Type Indicator for the Bill.

Bug Fix: Accountancy Software: Sage Intacct - Re-Export to Sage Intacct

We have removed the Re-Export to Sage Intacct button in Archive as this should only be visible for users connected to Accountancy Software's that generate a CSV.

Bug Fix: Changing Supplier Name

When in the Approvals Workflow, users trying to edit the Supplier Name of a document that had matched/unmatched PO lines were receiving an error, preventing them from doing so.

Now, users can edit the Supplier name in Panel 2 without error.

Bug Fix: Signed Off Checkboxes

Where an account has Purchase Orders enabled, users were able to select the checkboxes in Panel 2 of the Signed Off tab.

This checkbox has now been disabled, as Panel 2 should not be editable.

11th July

Price Checker in My Tasks

Within the My Tasks page, users will now see the Price Checker feature visible on the line items.

To see this, please make sure Price Checker is enabled, and the specific Product Codes on the invoice have prices stored against them. Click here to see full details on how to use Price Checker.

Enhancement: Panel 2

Within the Approvals Workflow, Panel 2 will display a larger description field, giving users wider visibility on what the description of an item is.

Along with this we have made some slight tweaks to how Panel 2 looks overall. See below for a before and after image.

Enhancement: Purchase Order Matching

Within the Approvals Workflow, users will see Panel 2 loading faster when Purchase Order 3-Way Matching is enabled.

Bug Fix: Accountancy Software: Xero - Unable to Export

Users who were on another accountancy software and had changed to Xero were seeing issues when exporting to Xero. Activity wasn't displaying an error and the document appeared to fail for no reason. 

This was due to old data, from the previous accountancy software, hanging around in the background and stopping the export from finishing. We have fixed this to stop old accountancy data from attempting to export into Xero.

Bug Fix: Accountancy Software: Xero - Company Name Not Displaying

In Accountancy Software, when successfully connected to Xero, the Xero Company name was not displaying as it previously had been.

This will now be visible for all successful connections.

Bug Fix: Default Approver Not Triggering

When a document was manually entered and moved through to Approvals, the Default Approver/Keyword Approver on the Supplier was not triggering.

These Approvers will now trigger regardless if a map has been applied or the document is manually entered.

Bug Fix: Information Not Saving

When creating a Supplier with Keyword Rules, or creating a User with a Manager Approver, the information was not saving on first click. Users had to go back into the Supplier/User and re-enter the information to be saved.

This fix will save the information in Suppliers and Users in the first instance.

Bug Fix: Panel 1 Categories Not Displaying

If a user was to click into Review or Signed Off from the Dashboard, Categories 1 and 2 were not displaying in Panel 1, and the user would need to refresh the page to see this.

Now, when a user clicks into Review or Signed Off from anywhere in Lightyear, the Category columns will display as expected.

6th July

Bug Fix: Unresponsive Menus

Some users were experiencing issues with Menus not responding, or their screens appearing to freeze when clicking into a Dropdown Menu in Approvals/Archive.

We have released a fix for this that should prevent this from happening moving forward.

5th July

PO CSV Upload: Categories

Through the CSV Upload feature, accounts with Categories switched on can now upload Default Category 1 and Default Category 2 via CSV.

Click here to read our full article on how to Bulk Upload via CSV.

Bug Fix: Export before Approval

Some users were seeing an issue where invoices in the Approval tab were appearing in Signed Off, allowing them to export prior to the invoice being approved.

We have locked down the CTAs while the page is still loading.

Bug Fix: Executive Approval and Bulk Sign Off

When using Executive Approval, documents that had been executive approved were not able to move into Signed Off.

This fix allows Executive Approved documents to use Bulk Sign Off.

Bug Fix: Receipt Extraction

Depending on the quality of the image, some Receipts uploaded to Lightyear were not appearing in Processing due to an error during extraction.

When an error occurs during Receipt extraction, these will appear in Processing needing Manual Entry.

Bug Fix: Grouped Line Data by Supplier

When editing a Supplier in Panel 2 in the Approvals Workflow, the Grouped Data column appeared for all Suppliers, regardless if the option to Group Data was turned on for the particular supplier being viewed.

Moving forward, this Grouped Data tab will only appear when the option is selected on the Supplier profile.


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