23rd January
Accountancy Software: iplicit - Rounding
Accounts connected to iplicit will see their Unit Price, Amount and Tax Amount fields rounded to 2 decimal places to match the rounding logic that iplicit uses.
This has been done in an attempt to prevent discrepancies between what Lightyear and iplicit are calculating. You may start to see some more rounding bells within Lightyear if your suppliers are calculating to 3 or 4 decimal places.
Please Note: There may be some instances when using Amounts Are: Tax Inclusive or Grouped Data displays incorrect rounding. We recommend using Tax Exclusive and disabling Grouped Data when connected to iplicit.16th January
Actions by Multiple Users
We will now flag to you when a document has been updated by another user as you're looking at it. This is aimed to help prevent users from overwriting each others data and moving documents to different locations.
Scenario 1:
User A has selected a bill in their Approvals tab, they make a change to a line item description and update the account code.
User B selects the same bill and makes a change to the same line item description and updates the tax code.
User A clicks Save.
User B makes another edit to the document and adjusts the due date.
User B clicks Save.
In this instance, the changes that User A makes will be saved. When User B clicks Save, they will be presented with an error message alerting them to the fact the document has already been edited by someone else. The changes User B makes
will not have been saved. User B will need to refresh

their Lightyear to see the latest updates.
Scenario 2:
User A selects a bill in their Approvals tab.
User B selects the same bill in their Approvals tab.
User A clicks delete/approve/return to processing.
User B makes an edit to the due date.
User B clicks Save.
As User A has already deleted the bill that is being worked on by another user, User B will
be presented with an error message alerting them to the fact the document has already been edited by someone else. User B will need to refresh
their Lightyear to see the latest updates.
The error message presented to users will look something like:
11th January
Bug Fixes
We have fixed issues relating to:
- Standard Users with Processing permission being unable to Manually Enter documents in the Processing tab
- Custom Reports not being created when users entered a Bill Data from/to value
- Task Approvers with Edit Approval Task seeing errors in certain scenarios when trying to Approve documents
5th January
Bug Fix: Issues Approving/Viewing My Tasks
In the scenario where a Lightyear account had departments enabled with specific suppliers in the department, a user who was sent an approval task for a document against that supplier was seeing issues approving, and in some cases viewing, the information of the document within My Tasks.
For example, my Lightyear account has a department for Kitchen with a supplier called Bidfood. If user Jane Doe isn't within the Kitchen department, but is sent an approval task for a Bidfood bill, they weren't able to approve or view the task within Panel 2 of My Tasks.
This has now been fixed. Any user who is sent an approval task will be able to approve and view it, regardless of the department set up in Lightyear.