Keeping Lightyear and MYOB up to date

How do I keep my Lightyear and MYOB AccountRight/Essentials accounts up to date?

Keeping Records up to date.

Because Lightyear and MYOB AccountRight/Essentials are hybrid/full cloud solutions, our connection makes it easy to keep both accounts up to date. 

We've created a button under each component (GL Codes, Suppliers, Tax rates, Categories) to allow you to Import from MYOB any time you want.

So for example, if you've created new supplier cards or contacts in MYOB, you only need to click Import Suppliers from MYOB to bring them all across rather than recreating new records in Lightyear. Please note, you will NOT be able to create new Supplier Cards within Lightyear. See below:

Keeping Suppliers up to date:

Accountancy > MYOB Suppliers > Edit > Import Suppliers 

Keeping GL Codes up to date:

Accountancy> Chart of Account Codes >Edit > Import from MYOB

Keeping Tax Rates up to date:

Accountancy> Tax Rates > Edit > Import from MYOB

Keeping Categories up to date:

Accountancy> Categories > Edit > Import from MYOB

Keeping Jobs up to date:

Accountancy> Jobs > Edit > Import from MYOB


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