How can I see how many credits have been used

How can I see how many credits have been used?

o you need to report how many credits are being used by your company or by your child companies? Depending on your company structure, you'll find your billing overview in different locations.

For those who have parent/child companies:
You can view this information via Super Admin > Group Billing > for your Billing Overview and Transaction History

For those who are standalone accounts: 
You can view this information via Billing > for your Billing Overview and Transaction History 

See below for guidance.

Parent/Child Accounts (aka Group Accounts)

The 'For Period' box lets you select a date range or previous month to view etc and if you are a partner or Group Account you will see a second drop down option where you can choose a particular account to view or All Transactions or My transactions. 

Here you can quickly see how many credits have been used and your credit balance as well as your payment history once you buy credits/plans. 

Standalone Accounts

As noted for Standalone accounts, your access is slightly different but the view is essentially the same:

Filtering transaction results

To the top right of this table, you can then filter down to specific requirement For example Transaction Type, Period and Company (if more than one is in use). It is by changing and populating these boxes, you can narrow down the data that is given back to you. For Example;

In the " FOR PERIOD" box i have the following options: 

Select from the current month, the previous month, last three months altogether or by a number of days. Clicking on any of these will auto populate by their filter. However, if you want to filter by a date range, click the " Date Range" option and follow these steps; 

After clicking Date Range, a new selection of options will appear: 

In the two Date boxes, select a start date and an end date. This will then show exports for the chosen transaction types that happened between your chosen dates. 

Exporting your transaction history

You can export your transaction history as a CSV file. This is very useful if you wish to keep record of the amount you are exporting or purchasing. It gives a number of different columns that can then be filtered and used to create data charts etc within your chosen spreadsheet software. Here is how to do this; 

In the Transaction History section, select your required filters and click search. 
Your search will then show in the table. To export this information, simply click the button " EXPORT SUMMARY REPORT"
The CSV report will download and will be ready to use.


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