Expenses - Exporting

Expenses - Exporting

Once your Reports have gone through their Approval Workflow, they can be exported to your Accountancy Software. The exporting of Reports is the responsibility of the user with Expense: Export, Schedule & Reimburse permissions.
Please Note: how you export/import depends on your Accountancy Software. Full details on this can be found within the relevant folder here.

Export Settings

Report Exports

Within Company Settings > Expenses, you can set what point you want the Report to be exportable from.

By default this is set to Approved, but can be changed to Scheduled or Reimbursed.
  1. Approved - once the Report has been updated to the Approved status it becomes exportable. You don't need to export while in Approved, the Report can be exported while in Approved, Scheduled or Reimbursed.
  2. Scheduled - once the Report has been updated to the Scheduled status it becomes exportable. You don't need to export while in Scheduled, the Report can be exported while in Scheduled or Reimbursed.
  3. Reimbursed - once the Report has been updated to the Reimbursed status it becomes exportable. You will need to export while in Reimbursed, as you cannot export once the Report has moved to Closed.

Expense Document Settings

Within Company Settings > Expenses, you can set where an Expense or Report will be unable to progress past without an attached Receipt image/document (Panel 3)

If you set this option as Approved, Scheduled or Reimbursed, you will not be able to progress past these statuses, but within this not be able to Export either.

How to Export

Please Note: the status when a Report can be exported will depend on your settings as mentioned above. In this example, I am using Report Exports: Approved and Expense Document Settings: Not Required
While in the Reports tab, select the Reports you want to export within Panel 1. If you use our Accounts Payable side and export bills, you'll be familiar with this process.

Once you've selected the relevant Reports to export, the Export button will become active.

Clicking Export will send it to your Accountancy Software, or download a CSV of your Report details.

If the Report successfully exports, you will see an  icon in Panel 1.

If the Report fails to export, you will see an  icon in Panel 1. Clicking this will open Activity and tell you what the error message is. Once you've fixed the error, you can try to re-export by following the same steps above.


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