Expenses - Archive

Expenses - Archive

With Expenses, you can search in your Archive for specific Expenses. If you use our AP or PO features, you'll be familiar with searching for documents, filters and the exportable reports that are also available within the Expense Archive section.

Expenses Archive

From anywhere in Lightyear, click the Archive & Reporting option on the left hand navigation menu. 

Depending on your Permissions, you may land on the Bills/Credit Notes/Receipts section of Archive, you'll want to change this to Expenses. 

Click the dropdown menu next to Doc Type and select Expenses.

The options within Search Parameters will change to Expense specific fields. This is where you can enter specific details to narrow down your search results.

Once you have entered the details you want to search for, click the Search  button.

Search Parameters

As mentioned above, if you need to search with more granularity, you can use the Search Parameters fields to narrow down the results.

  1. Expense Date - search between two Expense dates
  2. Received Date - search between two Received dates i.e. when the Expense was sent into Lightyear
  3. Expense # - if you have the Expense Number, search using exact or contains
  4. Merchant - if you have the name of the Merchant linked to the Expense, search using exact or contains
  5. Prod Code - if you want to find Expenses with line items of a specific product code, search using exact or contains
  6. Line Desc - if you want to find Expenses with line items of a specific description, search using exact or contains
  7. Expense Amount - search between two Expense amounts
  8. Account - use a dropdown menu to search multiple active Accounts within your account. Results will display Expenses that contain line items with the selected Accounts
  9. Categories - use a dropdown menu to search multiple active Categories (1 and 2) within your account. Results will display Expenses that contain line items with the selected Categories
Use a combination of as many or little parameters as you want.

Export Report

Lightyear will display a maximum of 500 results within the Search Results tab - if you have more than 500 results, you can download a CSV to view all results.

Click the Export Report  button to start the CSV download.

Activity History

When you select an Expense, you will see an option for Activity that gives you details of the Audit History of the Expense. Click Activity > Activity to display the Journey an Expense has went through, along with the date and time of actions taken and by who.


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