The Holiday season is here and to kick it off we'd like to introduce our new Releases Notes format. Let us know what you think of our new look! We have some great new features for you with this release. Check them out right here:
- As you may have noticed in the above screenshots we have added a new button in Panel 1 & 2. With the addition of these extra columns, things can seem a bit hectic. To combat this, we now allow our users to choose which columns they would like displayed in Lightyear.
- In Panel 1 we can choose to hide or display 5 columns: Departments, Due Date, Bill Number, Goods and Tax.
- In Panel 2 it allows users to hide or display 4 columns: Unit Price, tax Amount, Nominal Code and Department.
- This offers our users more unique customisation of Lightyear to fit the needs of their businesses, rather than cluttering up their screens with information they don't need to see. Here it is in action: