Bidfood are able to generate invoices in two formats with a very different structure to the metadata within them.
On the first screenshot you can see what we call the “good” format in which the metadata is neatly structured in the relevant columns and the “nodes” are short making it possible to extract perfectly.
The other screenshot shows the Lightyear unfriendly format: the PDF looks the same, however in the metadata the details are formatted in long "nodes" and are shifted to the left of the page. This causes maps to work inconsistently and pull unnecessary bits of data.
ATTN: As of October 2019, please note Bidfood have sold some of their Fresh branches which has been branded in2food. As Bidfood are currently assisting with this transition, if you are receiving bills in the bad format for in2food, please follow the instructions below in order to receive the good format as well.
If you would like to receive the “good” format, you can email and provide them your Bidfood Customer Number. Let them know that you are a Lightyear customer therefore you would like to receive bills in the “good” format. They will be able to do the rest.