August 2024

August 2024

29th August

Purchase Orders: Create PO from Bill

We have made two enhancements to the Create PO button when copying the data from a Bill/Credit Note to a Purchase Order 
  1. If you only have one Delivery Address in your Company, this will default
  2. If you have an Orders Email saved against your Supplier, this will populate 

28th August

Accountancy Software: AccountsIQ - PO Number and Misc Ref

When exporting bills and credit notes to accountsIQ we will export the data within out PO Number and Header Misc Ref fields, these will be exported into the following fields within accountsIQ:
  1. PO Number - Order Number
  2. Misc Ref - Note Printed on Invoice
Please Note: These will only export when using the Item Invoice option through Accountancy Software Settings, as Batch Invoices does not have these fields available.

19th August

🚀 Reimbursable Expenses! ðŸš€

We are excited to announce our Reimbursable Expenses feature has now been launched into an Open Beta for all to use.

To enable Expenses, head into Company Settings and scroll down to Expenses. Set this to Yes and you'll see the Expenses tab appear on the left hand navigation menu.

For full details on Expenses, click here. And join our webinar on Thursday 22nd to find out more information.
Please Note: Expenses is in a beta phase at the moment, if you discover any issues please let us know!

14th August

Accountancy Software: Sage Intacct - Rounding Adjustment Lines

When Lightyear and Sage Intacct calculate your bills/credit notes sometimes we may come to a different value due to how many ways there are to calculate lines/tax. Previously, we implemented a Rounding Adjustment Line that will balance the Lightyear and Sage Intacct values once exported. This uses the Rounding Account Code that is set within your Lightyear, but did not send any Dimensions across.

Now, with this update, if you have a Dimension on the last line of the bill/credit note in Lightyear, these same Dimensions will be used on the Rounding Adjustment Line in Sage Intacct.

8th August

Purchase Orders: Filters

Users in the Purchase Orders workflow can now use Filters to drill down on the data within each tab.

If you use these within the Approval Workflow you'll be familiar with how they work - simply click the filter icon in the top right and you'll see a selection of dropdown menus available below each column.

Open any of these and select your options from the dropdown menu. In this example, I am looking at the Closed column. 

Once you have made your selection, the results in Panel 1 will update to show.

The following columns currently have filters available:
  1. Department
  2. Supplier
  3. Created By
  4. Closed
  5. Task
The following columns will have filters added in the coming weeks:
  1. Category 1
  2. Category 2

Bug Fix: User Email Changes

An issue existed in My Profile when a user tried to update their email address. If their new email address contained capital letters, it would cause issues the next time the user tried to log in with this address.

Moving forward, if a user attempts to enter their email with capital letters, this will automatically change to lowercase behind the scenes.

7th August

Bug Fixes: Accountancy Software: Sage Business Cloud - Foreign Currency

Fixes an issue where foreign currency documents were failing to export to Sage Business Cloud - this is now resolved and documents will export with the correct currency/exchange rate where applicable


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